How critical is placement for Vandy 2 ce Sig. ?

I'm looking to replace my B&W 703's and am considering Vandersteen 2ce Signature. I don't have much flexibility in terms of location. According to the Stereophile review, the Vandy's must be biwired and need at least 5 feet clearance from back wall. I have only about three feet and don't know it this will be a problem. Anyone know about either of these issues? Thanks!
I have these peaskers and they need room to breathe in order to stage properly. Give em at least 18 inches sides and behind (perferably more here, I use about 30 inches). Also aim them somwhere between straight ahead and a little turned inward but if you can just barely see the inside edge, then you've gone too far in my experience.
I've owned a pair for 5 years or so. I have them against the wall and they sound wonderful. Soundstage is high and wide and detail galore. I've had them hooked up to a Pathos Classic One and now to two Decware SETs rigged up in mono blocks. Vynil and CDs no matter, they sound great!
I still own a pair of 2cis which are simial to the 2ces. Years ago they were my main speakers in a very large room and were out 4 ft. from the front wall and 5 ft. from the side walls. The sound stage was very broad and high and the bass clean and tight. Later I put them in an office about 2 ft. out from the front wall. I still found the sound stage large and engaging. I have also listened to these speakers as clost as 18" out without noticable loss. So, I would not be concerned about 2 ft. While it is commonly said that Vandy's need a large space and room to breath, my experience is they perform as well as any other speaker in and around walls.