OUCH My Dynaudio's have crashed....

After years of building and tweaking my system to my own sonic orgasmatron, my speakers have gone kablooey. The Dynaudio 2.8's are perfect for my room size, my and my wife's ears, and a beautiful match for all my gear. It seems the crossovers or the voice coils got damaged in a series of accidental out of sequence turning off/on of my tube pre and ss amp....dc voltage can do some serious damage.

My system is pretty dialed in to our liking at this point, so I am send them in to Dynaudio USA for a once over and repair estimate, but my fear is peaking the expense of their repair will be way beyond their worth....What should I think of replacing them with?!

My system is detailed here on a-gon:

My room is an untreated 14x16 ft. space with 9 foot ceilings in a turn of the century (last century!) victorian. I listen to alernative rock and alt country, jazz, acoustic, classic rock, reggae, etc. no metal, electronica, classical. (Just saw Neko Case at the Egg in Albany and am convinced she was abducted by aliens and infused with a voice to hypnotize earthlings... but i digress...)

The speakers need to be comfortable pretty close to the back wall...2 feet or so. The Dynaudio 2.8's are a closed box passive woofer system....pretty nice for that application..

Maybe some Special 25's and a sub? I love the sound and look of Sonus, but I fear they're not so great match with my gear...and they need to be out in the room. Harbeth? Man oh man. Any suggestions are appreciated. And, any place in the NY/CT/MA area to listen to suggestion would also be great. About 5k on the used market is my absolute limit for expense...

Thanks for you help!
Thaks, all good advice. I have been in touch with Dynaudio and we came to it likely being the crossovers. I am going to ship them out tomorrow to the hefty tune of 130 bucks or so. With any luck, they will be repairable (by them, I am and electrical knucklehead and happy to admit it) and not greak the bank.

Fun to think about new gear though....The c1's look sweet, I'll have to see how far away the soliloquy's are hiding (since that is a sweet deal either way!) and find a place to hear the ariel's.....

The 2.8's are pretty special speakers in my system...

Now youll see a companys integity.Dyns are great speakers...but they took over a month and a half to repair my dyn 1.3 ses.Claimed speaker was faulty.Cabinet came back scratched like a mother*%$#@.I was pissed cause i babied these things.There is life after dynaudios.I have tried the forests after the 1.3ses and 52 ses.Was very impressed by the clarity and imagery,scale too.Did end up with adagios...after all that im very happy with them.They sound great.Im a working musician,Jazz,latin,rb...they sound pretty darn good to my ears(imho).
Sorry about your speakers and well I don't have any great suggestions for you but sure do like your system and taste in music. Lucky you with Neko!!

best of luck.
I wouldn't use the S25 or the C1 (or 1.4s for that matter) in that small of a room. They have big bass ports in back, and will have big problems being only 2feet out into the room.
Bud...bud...bud...er..ah Art...Art...Art...
I'm very sorry to read about your problems, though hopefully they can be fixed for relatively limited $$$. If indeed it is the crossovers, perhaps you can use this as an opportunity. I know you love the Rapture's, however, is there a chance you can replace the caps with VH-caps? Maybe Steve can send you some internal wiring for the 2.8's as well. Look at it as an opportunity to turn your 2.8's into MONSTER'S!!!
