Bryston BP26 with Pass Labs

Interested in auditioning a Bryston BP26 with my Pass Labs x250.8. Anybody listen to this combo?
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" Its just that in other posts, some of your comments and ideas are way out of the norm for the discussions on this web site.

What does that have to do with anything and why does it bother you so much? Would a little tolerance of others be too much to ask?
Bob_reynolds (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

It has nothing to do with tolerance. A lot of new people come to this website looking for advice. You're welcome to have any opinion you like, but when you give advice to someone when you haven't even listened to the component yourself, its only right that you just be honest and include that info in the post. Otherwise, the OP will most likely assume that you've listened to the component and are talking from experience. Any time that I, or most others here, make comments on components that we haven't heard, we just put a disclaimer in. I don't see what the big deal is. Why not just be truthful about it?

" Any opinion that I give is based on actual experience. You can't say the same.

Ok, but I don't know why that has any particular merit."

I don't even know where to begin. Are you suggesting that, all other things being equal, that when you make a recommendation, actual listening experience is irrelevant? And you can give the exact same advice either way? I'm sorry, but I just don't see how that's possible.

I really don't think its of any use at this point to continue arguing back and forth. So, I started a new post asking for some other opinions. Maybe someone else can explain the need to listen to components better than I can.

I've not had either preamp, but I did have the Bryston and Threshold active cross-overs in my system (with Threshold amplification). For me it was the classic "detail vs. bright, extended vs. harsh" situation. Where some might have heard extended, detailed sound from the Bryston, I heard bright and harsh and ended up with listening fatigue. Switching to the Threshold unit smoothed out the treble and made for a more laid back and relaxed presentation. Perhaps euphonic, but I kept the Threshold for ten years.
I know I am late here, but if you are still thinking about it.  the Pass pre-amps are mosfets and the bryston uses bipolar transistors.