Vandersteen 5a or Eggleston Andra II

This question is for those of you who have listened to the Vandersteen 5a AND the Eggleston Andra II or who purchased one after listening to BOTH.

I am looking at upgrading from the Energy Veritas 2.8 to one of these speakers.

I listen to everything except country. I love the built in 400 watt amps in the 5a, and I love the tweeter in the Andra II.

I have read all the reviews on both of these speakers and would like to hear from you as to why you like one over the other.

Thank you in advance.
I never heard a wilson that i thought had accurate bass. But, there have been many iterations of wilsons and they are room dependent as well.

My point basically is that you should use what you like. People mix or master or listen to what they are used to. I would take the duntechs over the wilson's any day for phase coherency and flat reponse, but that's my taste too.

I have been in a lot of mastering studios and I just think the systems there, like ours at home, are very personal. O mentioned doug sax, because I am not the only person I know that can't make sense out of his system. The fact that he can is all that really matters.

What does your actual system consist of? you are so gracious but you don't have to give me your system it's okay but lets get those 20 folks together you speak of it will be fun. It's so obvious between these two set-ups using Red Book cds that you won't have to do a blind test, not needed.

Just so you know there is no agenda it's only an opinion, this is not my main designated system but a second one and only a hobby for me so I have no agenda in which sounds better but between these two set-ups hands down Eggleston set-up wins.

I don't know how one can make statement's saying "I have heard the Egglestons and the Vandys in THE SAME SYSTEM" and "I have heard the Egglestons take the edge in one system while the Vandys were clearly superior in another."
Sounds like store settings to me which is not ideal especially with all that other gear and speakers interacting.

First of all I don't agree in ABing speakers this way, firstly if you actually have the speakers in the same room their woofers will interact moving etc. which is not a good thing. Moving speaker cables, from my experience they need to settle in for a few days to sound their best. Set-ups, you just don't plunk speakers down trying different ones, you play with their set-up for some time trying different locations to get their sweet spot. My friend has had his for over two years now, I have had my Eggleston's since last year and prior I had Wilson W/P 7's, I still am currently trying different locations.

I just want Vandy owners to know that there are is no agenda here, Vandy's are really really great speakers and I like them but between these two systems hands down I prefer the Eggleston set-up.

Virtually all of your assumptions regarding my listening experiences are wrong, but I don't have the time, energy, or desire to go into it further, this being the last I will comment on this matter. I did, do, and will take issue with your "different league" statement and that is that, in my opinion, but I still believe that very few others, if any, will agree that these two speaker sets are in different leagues.

That's too bad that you aren't willing to take me up on the offer that you originally initiated but does it surprise me? no.

Once again this thread melted into a useless arguement, we get it....some of you love a certain speaker, and some dont agree and love another one......this always turns into a "drunks in a bar" arguemant.
The original poster hasnt been back to post in this thread for nearly 3 weeks, I wonder why?