
I guess it's not news anymore that Crutchfield is selling Thiel online. What seems odd is the pricing: 2.4's going for $2500, and 3.7's for $5000, shipping included.

Can anyone confirm the accuracy of these prices? If they are accurate what are the implications?

I considered that too, Unsound, and that is a reasonable explanation, but I can't see people putting something as big as a Thiel floorstander in front of their screen, plus the Polk speakers, for example, are priced per pair. I'm probably being unduly harsh on Crutchfield, but I don't think it is particularly appropriate to price stereo speakers that are not really designed for HT applications individually.
Just shows you how far Thiel has dropped. Where are the good old days of high pitched, chalk on a blackboard highs for the hearing impaired, only available through your local dealer?
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Best Buy prices their higher end speakers per speaker also... to help reduce the sticker shock is my guess.