ARC Ref 110 with KT 150 tubes

I am currently running a Ref 100 with KT 120 tubes, no probs, net gains on the old 6550s. But has anybody gone a stage further and used KT 150s? Any potential problems, you think?

Many thanks for advice.
It's spelled whining .. not wining. If you're going to chide me, at least spell it correctly! LOL
Jasper, If I may answer your question. I have had a thread running for about a year, on this subject. If you look towards the last few posts on

"New KT150 tubes?"
There is indeed a recent ARC pronouncement referred to, to the effect that KT150's are approved now, in the amps I mentioned. I suggest you look at that thread
I'm sorta with Joecasey, only because I want Bifwynne and Jasper to turn their attentions to the 6550 tube in the ARC preamp. Now that the SED 6550 winged C's are out of production, and apparently nothing else is as good, some have questioned if a KT88 can substitute. Imagine Gold Lions, Shuguang Treasures, Penta Labs or Psvanes...hmmmmmm
I used to own the ARC VS-115 amp which came stock with Svetlana SED 6550 winged Cs. ARC later approved the KT-120 for use in the VS-115. IMO, the KT-150 ... hands down ... was a big improvement over the SED 6550 winged C. Better dynamics. Better bass control. More headroom. Just plain sounded better.

Having said that, I couldn't stop "wining" when the Svetlana factory burned down and reliable SED 6550 winged Cs became scarce. As my fellow ARC preamp and source component owners may know, the SED 6550 winged C was used in the power supply of many ARC source components and preamps. ARC now uses the 6550WE, which I believe is made by Sovtek.

IMO, I think the difference between tube types is of much greater import in ARC's amp gain circuits as compared to the preamp or source component power supplies. IOW, I think the 6550WE, or the 6550 Tung Sol re-issue (also made in Russia) works just fine in the power supply applications.

Perhaps Al or Ralph could better explain why (if at all) that might matter.

Signing off for a glass of whine.
Thank you David, I am aware of that particular thread you have referenced.
However, the point that I am attempting to highlight is specific, and pertinant, to owners of these particular models who are still within the term of the manufacturers warranty.

I do not doubt that ARC Central has circulated some form of internal communication within their own distribution network, However, unless I am mistaken, at this point in time, there remains to be seen Any such affirmation, of this sanctioning, as made public by ARC! Indeed, we still labour under the farcical situation of ARC customer support continuing to
Refute any such official sanctioning of the use of the KT150 within the Reference line.

Therefore, as I commented earlier, IF, your Reference equipment is still under factory warranty then the Only and pertinent source of confirmation must surely come, Verbatum, from ones own dealer responsible for facilitating that factory warranty.
David, I am curious as to whether you may have contacted KJW1/ Absolute Sounds recently in this regard?
