Sonus Faber Extremas ?

For owners or anyone who's heard them, what are some good choices for amplification?

Thanks all
The Extremas need lots of power.
I wouldn't use a tube amp on them.
You need a powerful solid state amp or mono blocks.
My friend is using 2 Meridian 557 amps bridged on the Extremas.
The Amps bridged are like 800 watts.
We first heard this combo at the Stereophile show in 1996.
The system sounded unbelievable.
I heard these "amazing" speakers in a set up running 100 wpc tubes.Forgot the mfgr.,though!
My point is that these speakers amazed me with their huge stage presentation,and dynamics.Very fine timbres,which are critical,to me!
One very important point,though.The owner had added the wonderful Townshend Super Tweeters to these speakers.The difference was simply AMAZING.Much better air and detailing.To me,a MUST with these great designs,which take on a new dimension with the add on tweeters.BTW,this makes sense,as the stock tweeters roll off at about 17khz.
The Townnshends simply start just above that point,and the integration was superb,yielding some of the best highs I've experienced.
Just my two cents.
Sorry,I forgot to mention that the Extremas have the "LOOK" and build quality that screams out "If you ever sell me,you are nuts"!!They have a gorgeous look to them that states "Heirloom" quality.The build seems like it is absolutely exemplary,and it is stunningly beautiful to look at.In the "KEEPER FOR LIFE" class with,Quad 57's,Original Rogers LS35a's,Jadis Eurithmy's,Avalon Ascent mk-2s,and some(few)others.
I don't own these Sonus designs,btw,but can appreciate them nevertheless!
i am still puzzled to this day why sonus faber would discontinue the extrema- a virtual ton of positive reviews of their sound continues to proliferate the internet forums. my brother has a pair on sound anchor stands (which are an excellent match for wilson cubs or the extremas) and they are so solidly built and, when properly set up, compete with monitors or floorstanders equally well- they are certainly a unique cross between the two. he powers them with pass aleph 1.2's (200w/ch) which is more than adequate and again, are a product i wish nelson pass never discontinued either! maybe the XA-series are better (they certainly cost alot more), but go back and read the stereophile review of the aleph 1.2's- they are favorably compared to good tube amps. just put on some blue-note jazz on my brother's stereo and "you are there"...
Mark Levinson 33H. I heard this setup in a dealers showroom and the sound was simply spectacular.