NEED HELP about Magnepan speaker

I may plan to get a Magnepan MG1.6 or 3.6. But I am wondering who is the different between MG1.6 (current model I saw on the offical website) and 1.6QR, are they the same or 1.6QR is older model? does MG1.6 sounds better?
And any maggie pro's know which models were quasi ribon and which were tru ribon? I beleive tru ribon is better compare with quasi ribon...right?
The most important thing to realize is that the higher price of the 3.6 does not automatically mean that it is better in your application. Some folk (I am one) actually prefer the QR tweeter, for the reason mentioned by Tireguy (it represents common technology with the woofer). Also, if you use a subwoofer, the slightly lower bass response of the 3.6 is irrelevant.
Whom ever is comparing the 3.6 to the 1.6 is off base. The integration is pretty good. The glue ---- well I have a pair of 2.5's as surrounds and they're going just fine.

Loon, Having owned the 3.6 for over 2 years, and having pushed the speaker probably harder and farther then anyone has I think I have a very good grasp of what they are capable of. The problem was always trying to get the ribbon to integrate with the rest of the speaker, while a great speaker, its not as cohesive as the 1.6 - IMO.