your experience with mod or upgrade companies.....

i called c/j and talked with jeff, found out that cj now does upgrades for some of their equipment. my pv12 would be about 900.00 four just 5 caps. that seems a little high for just that amount of work. what other compy that you know of is doing this, i know a while back i heard about different ones, but you dont hear to much now. there was a group of indian guys i talked with a while back that seem to do a lot more for at lot less, but i forgot the name of them.. please give me your input, as always is appreciated.......
Where are you located? Most major cities have some really good techs who will test the caps and tell you if they need replaced. Quality repairs you can ship to: Audioclassics are mac specialists but can fix anything. I've used Exemplar, good but slow, partsconnexion-Chris Johnson is a genius but shipping to Canada sucks and my last one is Vinyl Renaissance in Kansas City-call Josh and talk to him.
For vintage gear, I keep it local (Phil's radio & TV) No web site or email, just great old fashioned work.
I would try here as Bill Thalmann used to design circuits at cj
You might try Tom Tutay of Transition Audio Design in Ft Walton FL. He does excellent work.
thanks all of you for the input, i think i will talk with bil thalmann..............
Great Northern Sound was the best but there gone now good luck with the others.