Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?

Just read the glowing review in TAS. Has enyone heard these and if so is all the positive press justified?
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Tvad, I only heard this combo at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I kept going back because the sound was so good. One time I went back and found it had lost its magic. The amps had been changed.

I hope to hear the Red Dragons soon in my system.
I have not heard them with the Red Dragons. The amplification I tested with was Cary and McIntosh. The Cary sounded great, the Mac had a death grip on bass control so it stayed.

As to the Kef reference, I mean no offense but I believe the Adagios sound much better as I have not heard any Kefs I could stand for more than 5 minutes. Now I have hardly heard the full lineup but their top line with the Uni-q did not move me. Maybe their older stuff sounded great but, to my ears, today's Kef sounds upper-mid-fi.
Does anyone have any opinions on how the Adagios would do with large scale classical music based on actual listening experiences? I have not heard these yet but plan to. I have had my Magnaplanars 15 years. While they are great speakers I never got the feeling that I was at the symphony. Of course part of the problem is that the I really need large SS amplifiers and I use an Audio Research VT100. My room is 11' X 18'.

Thanks for any feedback.
The speakers will do wonders with classical music, they are very dyamic with a big soundstage and great bass.

If you are in the area come on down for a private demonstration of these wonderful speakers.