Anyone heard or own Klipsch RF7 ?

I heard the RF7's briefly today and was blown away by the HUGE soundstage. I predicted them to be a little harsh and I was right. To defend the speaker the cabling looked a little average and they were being run with an average integrated amp which I won't mention to avoid conflict. Also I like to audition some harsh sounding CD's as some speakers deal with them better. All in all IMO they were decent for the price being they are discontinued and being "blown out". I've read about a crossover upgrade that is supposed to transform these speakers into a whole new animal. Has anyone had this done, if so how much was it? My other question is has anyone had any real success EQing the unwanted frequencies out while not totally altering the signal? An MC352 will run them.

Thanks again !!!
I've heard them and was not impressed. I'm surprised you said they had a huge soundstage. The one's I heard sounded like the music was meshed together between the two speakers with no depth what so ever.

As the previous poster mentioned, their sound is very unbalanced with an extremely exagerated mid-range. They were hard sounding and the bass was flabby. For this kind of money you can easily do better IMO.

BTW, I'm actually a Klipsch fan. But, the one's I like are their Heritage series with some warm souding equipment or tubes. Their lower end has nothing in common with these. If I were you I would look used at some Cornwall II's or a LaScalla's, if you have the room. If not, then some Chorus or Forte's.
Yes but I can't tell you what I think they could be unbeilvably good and the most magical and musical speaker or screetching nightmare excuses for what Klipsch used to be. If you aren't always positive in these forums then you suffer the slings and arrows of an outrageous fortune.
I own RF-7's and they are one of the best speakers I own among many speakers, including older Klipsch Heritage.
The RF-7's have a huge soundstage (if your amp allows it) and great imaging, very clean and revealing due to the metals used. I'm in awe of them every time I sit down and listen to them. Great speakers!