Sand and shot?

This question is really for what most bookshelf speakers sit on--the stand. I'm planning on filling a set of stands(24") but just have the sand presently. Do I really need lead shot as well or will the sand be enough. Most reviews I read on speakers mention stands with both. Any help would be most appreciated.
I was going to place very fine, pure sand obtained from a pet store for reptile acquariums in the section of my speakers dedicated for mass loading. My thinking was to actually place the sand in 1 pound ziplock bags as a way of proper measuring/calbrating, and also making it a "cleaner" fill. Any thoughts on using sand-filled baggies as opposed to straight sand? I'd think they'd both settle the same.
Hey Walkman I like your idea. May give that a try. Timrhu I'll look for that 3M putty you mentioned. Stay tuned--I'll get this project cooking soon. Thanks to everyone else for there input.
Thx South43, I am borrowing it from the suggestion of my dealer. Also, to be clearer than my other post, it's for mass loading a floorstanding speaker, not speaker stands. I don't want to hijack the thread, but my approach seemed to be related to the topic at hand, so I "put it out there" for feedback.
An update: I did find the blu tack(actually yellow)at Walmart as well as the shot. However I did not purchase the shot as they only had #6 in stock. A project for another day. In addition I just purchased a pair of Epos ELS 3's so it's been a good day I'll be looking for them soon. Like I said earlier these stands are not all that and I plan to update them in the near future. I want again to thank everyone for there feedback. Bret
Of course, that's not your genuine Aussie BluTack as invented by Bostik and protected by international trademarks. You probably have FunTack. It will ooze over time and make a nice yellow mess.
