B&W Rip-Off

Here is a good one, What a cheep ripoff of some B&W speakers.

By "too funny" I mean it is a very good example of a copy job that simply makes me chuckle. No issue with the speaker or man as I feel he is being straight forward.

Ok so who would buy these at $1000 when you can have the real thing for $1500 or less for a used pair on the Gon?
There is no way they sound as good as B&W 705's or even DM601's for that matter. I know I have never listened to them so how do I know. You will give the usual circulatory
argument. That speaker is a half a** mix of a 705 & 805.
Cheap chinese drivers. I'd be interested to see their raw response curves. But a good crossover can still make cheap drivers sound pretty good.
You want response curves? Just wait they will be in TAS or Stereophile soon NOT!
Geez Krellm7, take a pill. The way I read the ad (the jump link is actually pretty funny), they are 700 clams, not $1K, so your argument loses a little steam. I'm guessing, based on other feedback about TAD, you might get your money's worth. As far as the hyperbole on the website, heck, its no where near the level of rhetoric on the cable manufacturers' or vibration control folks' websites. And, frankly, saying you ought to hear them before calling them cheap isn't a "circulatory" argument (I believe the term is actually a "circular" argument, and it isn't applicable at all in the context you have used it).

Heck, I find B&W's sound pretty sterile, so in my book it wouldn't be too hard to build a better speaker. Moreover, given the cost of prototyping and production in China, as well as vast improvements in quality control, these might just be B&W killers.