Anyone with experience of these two brands?
The models i am interested in are as follows,
PMC MB-2/IB-2 "vs." ATC SCM 50/100/150
(also the active versions)
Compaired head to head, the same electronics (if not active), room aso..
I know the PMC is a transmission line speaker but what about ATC?

It sounds to me like the positioning was wrong. They need to be a long way from walls. As for the etching - people most often accuse this of the atc mid rather than the pmc. Still its all according to taste ;). The ib2 / mb2 also have the hand made mid which is quite a bit better than the vifa mid in the ib1.

I welcome your devil's advocacy on ATC SCM7's.

Any idea where I can find better midrange and non fatiguing highs with a similar sized monitor to use in a nearfield application?

Thank you
Cw, I can't compare to the ATC SCM7s. but I feel that the Green Mountain Audio Europas would make a good nearfield studio monitor, especially for the money. Their only problem is that they have a very low WAF.
There are a few speakers that really caught my attention and these are: Genesis 2, Eggleston Andra II, ATCs (from SCM 50 upwards) and SF Extremas (more for the looks though but when driven by my Antileon Signature, sounds great as well). Unfortunately, I wasn't so much impressed by the PMC (driven by Bryston).