Polk SDA Speaker info needed...

I've got some older Polk SDA 1A dimensional array speakers and people are telling me that the sound is much better when you use the cable that connects the two speakers together. Can anyone varify this and also tell me how I might hook mine up just for a listen without having the polk cable? Thanks..
I've got to laugh at myself.....wrote image instead of imagine. Could have been because I had thoughts of that magic SDA imaging in mind, could have been something else.

I had to borrow this....for you Tic, "Even though it came from the horse's mouth, I didn't like the answer, so I asked a goat."
Not one response on the Polk site was even half as insightful or helpful as that from Jimjenjr.
The Polk forum was not helpful or insighful....that would be a new one. Perhaps you should post your original threads TIC, and clarify that statement. If you would like to start an agenda, please provide the facts at the very least.
I too am looking for that cable. There is a bit of information on how to upgrade that cable at this link http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47379 but from what ive seen its too difficult to make. It looks like it is a small headphone style plug on the top and something else on the bottom (could be wrong). Without at least the plugs it will be hard to Frankenstein something together. im just going to buy it (if i can).
You do need that cable (called interconnect cable) connected or the legendary 'SDA' wont wonk. I suggest you read up on SDA here in the manual http://www.polksda.com/pdfs/SDA1C.pdf Its very interesting but unfortunately right now all i can do is read about it and not hear it.
Carver C-9 sonic hologram generator will do the same thing if you can't find the cable. It cancells interaural crosstalk. Try to get the cables. BTW speaker placement is very important. It's not for everyone, but I was addicted to it for years. Good luck.