Male audiophile seeking Female audiophil

In the past 10 years I've experienced the fact that none of the women I have been involved with have shared the same interest and enthusiasm that I have for Hi-end quility stereo equipment. Because of my passion and my lady friends inability to relate it seems that I always turn into this stereo geek and occasional bore. I also feel cheated never being able to take any of the women I know to consumer conventions or visit various sound shoppes locally or when I,m out of town with them without them standing around impatiantly. For this reason I ask the question "are there any forums or chat rooms,etc. out there for audiophiles to meet"? If anyone know's anything please share it?
I concur with Tubegroover. And it's not absolutely essential to find a woman who is also an audiophile. Most male audiphiles have NOT been able to do this, and yet they are still happy and undeterred, most of the time. Even if there are two 'philes in a household, it is almost a foregone that there will be TWO "reference systems", so it might wind up costing you both a lot more (to put two systems under one roof). The appreciation/love of music is what's most important, because "it's about the music, afterall". It's when a wife has little appreciation for music, that things get dicey...from what all I've heard.
I agree with Tubegroover. Try reading a book about the act of negotiation. Tubegroovers' ideas seem to fit the ideal negotiation. (Both parties win).
I recommend "You can negotiate anything" by Herb Cohen. The methods helped with many issues, personal and professional. Though I did take a 1 week course on negotiation, and that was simply awesome! There's an art and science to the whole thing, requiring a great deal of practice.
I heard a bit on NPR today about the results of a new study of men and women, and the extent to which part or all of the brain is involved in listening. Apparently MRI's showed that only the left half of a man's brain is actively involved when listening, whereas a woman's entire brain is involved. The study was quoted in support of women's contention that men only partially listen. I say there is a second and equally plausible conclusion: that men can do with half a brain what it takes an entire woman's brain to do!!