what is everybody listening to right now

I wasn't really sure where to post this so here goes. What cds ( as I do not currently listen to vinyl ) are people spinning in their ssytems. (heavy rotation) Currently I have been Chris Cornells (one l or two I can't remember) solo recording "euphoric morning"
Radiohead-"kid A" Coil-"musik to play in the dark" Burnt Friedman-"con ritmo" Morton Feldman-"crippled symetry"
Peter Green = Hot Foot Powder, Emmy Lou Harris = Red Dirt Girl, Steve Earle = Transcendental Blues, Patrica Barber = Nightclub
Pink Martini-Sympathique, Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington-The Great Summit/The Master Takes:one of the best re-issues I've heard. The opening track, Duke's Place will get you up on your feet. Incredible bass, bopping piano, and Satchmo...Patricia Barber-Blue Cafe (HDCD), Clapton-Unplugged, The Famous Sound of three blind mice (TBM XRCD Sampler), Roxy Music, Talking Heads, Bob Marley and The Wailers, Narada World:A Global Vision, Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi and The Rolling Stones.
Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony with Mravinsky/Leningrad PO, and Brahms 2nd PC by countless different pianists. (Thank God for vinyl) I saw someone mentioned the love of my life, Shirley Horn. I've written her numerous times, asking if I could polish her piano pedal pushing pumps after every performance, but all I've gotten in return was a restraining order from some judge in Boise Idaho. BTW, You're all invited to discuss music of all types down in Music Lane at the Audio Asylum. We have comfortable, and very private guest cottages (24 hour massage service available, that is of course, if we haven't been raided) for any visitors who decide to extend their stay. The ML Express bus is an inexpensive way of getting there, but unless you have have some interesting phone numbers to add to it's stall's walls, I'd advise you not to use the bus depot's mens room. Hope you all can drop in on us, sit a spell, and have some fun while sharing your favorite music.