Shun Mook Ultra Diamond Resonators

These equipment feet are available for more than a decade now. With all the new developments of the last years are they still state of the art? Last months I listened to Harmonix tuning feet with good results. Nevertheless I’m looking to buy used Shun Mook Ultra (or Giant) resonators but got no response.

Is that because they are still the best and everybody keeps them?
Or are they so rarely sold that there is no used market?
I have not tried these. I have found that the Harmonix tuning feet work ok, but not as well as the Q-dampers, particularly the large Q-dampers, from ART in Italy. I am going to try some titanium cones under my speakers soon. It would be interesting to hear from others about the Shun Mooks. I have had a lot more success with the Harmonix tuning bases on speakers. I have not used them on equipment.
I own 3 sets of the gaint Mook resonators and will NEVER sell them, they are by far the best feet out there. Yes, eXpensive but once heard hard to do without. I have not heard the Harmonix feet so can't comment.
Just got my UDR's. They sound fabulous. I have never heard any feet sound so good. They just clean things up and make everything so natural.

I have not tried the Harmonix feet but have used their record weight. I have since sold it and replaced it with a Shun Mook ebony clamp. The Shun Mook is definitely a giant step beyond the Harmonix.
Harmonix and Shun Mook don't do anything against spurious resonance: they add resonance. So the sound with these devices is system's sound + the sound of the devices. It's of an additive nature (and not subtractive). Is this the goal of audiophiles: to add a color to the reproduced sound?
