Have you ever moved to improve your system

I don't mean around the room or adjusting the listening chair. Have you ever moved to a new house or apartment because it would be better for your system?

I have moved once since I found AudiogoN, but it wasn't for the sake of the listening room. I had to get out of that neighborhood.
Every rented home and later every purchased home had to meet certain criteria for audio during my marriage of 32 years. IMO, not doing so shows a lack of intelligence and taking charge of your life. If you love music enough and want it to remain central to your life you should give it the consideration it deserves. I do feel for audiophiles that live in areas where rental/purchase costs prohibit being so selective. I've been lucky to live where housing has always been plentiful, spacious and affordable.
Well I don't move for the system, but that was one of the requirements I wanted a room away from the main house to watch tv and something bigger to let me move the speakers around.

Wow learned alot. I use to have the speakers along side a cabnet they were being sucifficate. When I moved theym to a bigger room with air around them I was hearing thengs I never heard before.

If I ever move again it will be a requirnment.
didn't move to improve it but listening room was a huge factor in choosing a new home when i moved for other reasons
Not moved to suit my stereo, but selected my apartment based on reproduction of sound quality. I went from a 13' by 31' (Living room foyer) listening room with a hardwood floor and CONCRETE underneath to a 12' by 21' with a all wood floor underneath. Over time you get used to it, but at times I miss the bass.
I moved from an apartment into a house when I was in college - not so much for room acoustics, but so I could play my stereo without neighbors complaining. That was 30 years ago, and since then I've never considered multi-unit housing for this reason. In the last 30 years I've moved 6 times, and selection of the house always has considered room config/dimensions. In the last 8 years I've built 2 dedicated listening rooms in my basement, and am working on a home theater (it's a big basement) down there now. I probably would have stopped with one room if not for Audiogon.