What are the most under-appreciated products?

What brands of audio gear have you come across that were great, but that most of us haven't heard of?

I'll start with Cayin. Ever heard of them?
We should never forget the late Lirpa Labs...inventors of such great audiophile delights as:
Steam-powered turntable
Compact Disk Washer
Stationary record player...the disk was stationary and the Stylus ran around the record
And many other great items untill the demise of Audio Magazine...
Cambridge soundworks speakers - as good as Bose for a lot less. Stereo Review said they are the best speaker value in America and the price has dropped since.

Have a listen - for the money, it is a great deal for a small space somewhere.
I think Clements Audio speakers are great for the money but seem less known than they ought to be. To a greater extent, however, would be JJ Electronic tube amps. My 243 preamp is work of art...stunning sound...has a very nice tube phono amp...compares favorably with some very expensive and well respected company...and damned affordable at around $1600, to top it off. Very little known in the US...but just damned good!
In response to the original question re Cayin amps.
I saw a Cayin A265i advertised (used) and was impressed by it's presentation. I figured since it looked so good I'd try to find out more about it. So I did my due diligence and found NADDA. A couple of links to a german website but since I don't speak the language useless. Then I happened to find the distributor for them in Canada and so with my brother who is also very knowledgeable we made the trek (in a blizzard no less) to audition the amp. It was a disappointment. The listening room for this dealer sucked. There were many things the amp did well but the presentation overall was dark and a bit flat. Still with the things it did right I thought I'd buy it with the proviso that if it didn't like my equipment I could return it. No problem from the dealer. So with great anticipation I brought it home, hooked it up warmed it up and again was disappointed. I listened to our everday music, no particular genre just listened. The sound was "Clinical" not involving, everything there ( soundstage, articulation,separation,slam,bloom),just not involving. I couldn't put my finger on it. My brother came over and we started to isolate possible weak links in the chain. I was using Kimber silver streaks between the amp and dac Ead T1000 transport and Ead 7000 Series3 dac. I use the Focus Signature Series 78's as my listening speakers.We swithched to Cardas and WOW,WOW,WOW. HOLYSHIT!!!!!!!!!!! The reason that many of the CD's sounded lousy is because this amp brings out ALL, good and bad. Put on a true well recorded CD sit back and marvel at what you get for what you paid.
This amp and I don't care what you pay would rate as a 7/10 stacked up against anything I've heard.
My wife and I listened to Linda Rondstat's Winter Light Cd last night. The wife had tears in her eyes. That alone is worth it's cost. Previous amp (still have it) Perreaux PMF2350.
If you've not heard Cayin, you may, if you wish, continue to live in blissful ignorance, BUT, you'll be denying yourself a true audiophile experience.

My take.