Where do you draw the line???

There are many interesting threads here about innumerable topics where people share many different opinions. If the truth be known I think many of us are still open to suggestion or opposing points of view regarding most things, but there must be some issues about which we are unwilling to budge.

In your own mind what is the concession you are unwilling to make?

For example; many people feel tubes are superior to solid state equipment. I have owned tube gear, and have several friends who I respect that still own tube gear, but I will not concede that solid state equipment is inferior to tubes.

Another concession I cannot make is the superiority of CDs to vinyl. I have a good CDP and have listened to better than my own, and in my experience LPs still are the hands-down winner for sound quality.

I have and like Krell equipment, and have been taken to task because of it. I'm still not selling it to buy another brand.

The question is: Regardless of the opinion of others what views or opinions are you unwilling to change???

Lets not fight! This is supposed to be fun!!!
The only beliefs that I hold dear are that (1) most of the folks who want to talk endlessly about what equipment sounds best have never optomized what they have by setting it up properly in a good listening environment and (2) its only the music that really counts!
Where do I draw the line?? At buying brand spanking new equipment. Why should I, when there is such an abundance of awesome used stuff here at Audiogon!! So much gear, so little time and $$.
There is no such thing as a neutral component.

Statements that claim one piece is neutral are basing neutrality on some idea in their head which is therfore biased and not nuetral. Instruments sound different depending on whether you are sitting front row, back row, above or below the source. I used to sit under my mom's piano when she'd play and when I got up I would always notice how different the instrument sounded. Mic placement is never the same in a studio.
If you are trying to create what happened in the studio and think that is neutral good luck. You are still guessing what the studio sounded like. Most likely you were not in the studio and if you were the so called neutral sytem you develop to create that sound will be non-neutral for other cd's/sources. That is unless all your cd/LPs are recorded by the same engineer in the same studio using the same techniques. Neutrality is bunk! Buy a system that makes your favorite music sound the way you think it should sound. You may think my system is colored, maybe it is, but I'm damn happy with it!
ELCO cables are a disgustingly obvious SCAM.


I'm astonished audiogon allows this crap to continue.