Best Blank Cassette Tapes

I haven't made any cassette tapes in a long while. I'd now like to start recording some CDs and some live radio. I'm using a Nakamichi RX-505. I know Nak and Denon used to make tapes. Does anyone know where I might be able to get hold of some of these. Any other suggestions on which blank tapes to use would help.


You can surf e-bay for BASF. I would suggest to take type one tape since it's not damaging the tape head and less noisy. I'm not sure if AMPEX is still producing them but they used to be very good.

If you are serious, and the 505 is decent enough, take it to a good tech with a Maxell UDXL II or IIS cassette and have it internally tweeked for that formula. The noise floor will drop substantially, everything about the recording will be better. Maxell makes a very durable, dynamic and clean running product with a stable housing. Sony also makes a great tape, although it tends to be expensive and not discounted much. Good luck.
I've used type II Maxell and TDK top of the line tapes with excellent results. They are high quality with very quiet mechanisms. Craig.
I am still making tapes on my two Nak decks (Dragon and CR-7) and over the years have found TDK MAX (a metal tape) the very best sounding tape I've used. Also superb is Maxell top of the line metal, I can't remember the exact model no. right now.