I have'nt checked the archives on this and maybe it's been said before, but I was just thinking, when was the last time I or other audiophile nuts like myself, just listened to the music( No Doobie Brother pun intended). I just recently sold my Quicksilver Mono blocks and sometimes I don't know what to do with myself because I bought a Sim Integrated amp and there aren't any tubes to change. I still manage to pull my speakers out and toe them in or is that out. No I think I'll put them back the way they were yesterday because I know that I noticed a little more bass, but I did notice that the speakers did image better when I pulled them out further. I just think I should sell this amp or get another tube amp because I can modify it by putting some of these extra tubes I kept just in case I bought another one. Well, at least for now I can keep swapping my 10 brands of inter connects to see if that makes a difference. It has to or else I wouldn't have so many pairs. If I can just save enough money for that new 24/96 dac, I'll have the perfect system. I dont have a digital cable so I'll see what Stereophile recommends. I think I'll get some room treatments to cure the brightness or just tear down my drapes to liven up the room. If I just kept those tubes everything would be O.K at least for another day. Am I alone in this or are there maybe one,two or maybe three hundred people who feel the same way as I do. The only time I really listen to music is at my friends house when he has his old Onkyo receiver and Pioneer changer going on random play. It may not sound great but it's fun and I can actually listen to a whole song. This audiophile business is a chore and a pain in the butt, but I would'nt change it for anything else in the world. How about you? Any comments?
I tend to fiddle with gear til it sounds right, then leave it alone. I may add stuff like isolation babes and the like, but beyond that, it's all about the music. I haven't changed the set up of my main rig in over a year, the others get altered as required. If ain't broke, enjoy the music!
I think my favorite symptom of audiophilia nervosa is 'warming up the amp for _____ hours'. I mean, really, does your high-end system sound that bad when only lukewarm? So here's the cure: go to your unfavorite mega-consumer electronics mega-store and listen to any system there for, say, 15 seconds. If your system doesn't blow it away in an immediate and unquestionably gratifying way, you didn't spend your money well. Second cure idea: take a long trip to somewhere where you don't have access to a decent music system (third world, backpacking...). You don't know what you've got till it's gone... (Joni Mitchell)
I like the critical listening response. Somtimes a few drinks can calm the obsession! Three beers is fine for me. I also think that the type of music we listen to makes a huge difference in whether we accept what we have for a system or we have to tweak it make it perfect.Rock music(when I listened to it more)was just plain easier to listen to from front to back. I used to put albums and CD's on and let it roll. Today I prefer Diana Krall,Eva Cassidy and acoustic music. This music allows you to hear the details of a bass or acoustic guitar. This music will tend to make you want to get things right. Hey, but it's fun and we all have a good time trying to perfect our so called hobby.
How many audiophiles does it take to change a lightbulb? Better be just one;otherwise you got too many opinions on the squeaking sound; as the bulb is being removed.Happy Holidays,everybody.