Artist's Best or

I am constantly looking for new music to enjoy.I would like to get input from other members on what I called the artist best work or "masterpieces". I have included some that IMHO are these artist masterpieces

Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
John Prine - Fair and Square
Beck - Sea Change
Van Morrison - Moondance
Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
Johnny Cash - All of the Rick Rubin produced CD's
Greg Brown - Poet Game

Please feel free to add to this list with your suggestions. Thanks for your responses

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David Sylvian "Secrets of the Beehive"

David Sylvian "Brilliant Trees"

Royksopp "Melody A.M.

San IIya "They Died for Beauty"

Koop "Waltz for Koop"
Go to and enter these names in the search function. They will suggest Indie artists with similar qualities. You can audition them online for free.

I have found some incredible music there.

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA
Joni Mitchell -- Blue
Kula Shaker -- Kula Shaker
K.D. Lang -- Hymms from the 49th Parrallel
Rosanne Cash -- Interiors
Bob Dylan -- Highway 61 Revisited (after all these years)
Radiohead -- The Bends
Santana -- Abraxas
Uncle Tupelo "No Depression"
Bob Marley "Exodus"
Rolling Stones "Let It Bleed"
The Grateful Dead "Workingmans's Dead"