Jazz station recommendations, please.

Can anyone recommend real good jazz stations that broadcast over the internet? No "smooth" jazz, please.
I'm with Mijknarf. KPLU, Pacific Lutheran University is great. You won't here Kenny G there.

I didn't realize they were available through the 'net. Thanks.
I second KCSM.org. They're the spiritual heirs to SF's late, lamented KJAZ and apparently inherited a lot of KJAZ's music.
Have to second KCSM. The great thing about this station is that the DJ's are the most knowledgeable you'll ever hear, and each one has his or her own 'style.' It's a true to joy to listen and learn about this music this way!
I prefer Columbia University's WKCR (89.9) over Newark's WBGO. WKCR is not 100% jazz but primarily so. If you like modern to avant-garde, then it's the place to be. There's also Phil Schapp's morning "Birdflight" show and his weekend "Traditions in Swing".
Check it out!