Calling all indie rockers...

Is there anybody out there?

The whole idea of Hi-Fi doesn't particularly lend itself to the often low quality recordings in the indie rock world, but I'm a music lover, not a gear lover. And for me, the indie scene is responsible for most of the best music being made today (exceptions being Radiohead, Beck, Flaming Lips, and a few others). So, anybody up for a thread of their favorite indie albums of say, the last decade? Here's my quick list:

1. Sunny Day Real Estate - How it feels to be something on (Sub Pop, 1998)
2. Yo La Tengo - I can hear the heart beating as one (Matador, 1997)
3. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (Matador, 2002)
4. Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun (Fat Cat, 2000)
5. Grandaddy - The Software Slump (V2, 2000) is V2 an indie?

Okay indie rockers, I know you're out there...
I bought This Nation's Saving Grace and really wanted to like it, but it hasn't grabbed me like I thought it would. Is it one of those albums that you had to hear against its own era, or do I just need to give it some more time?
Well..if you dont like Saving Grace chances are you probably wont like anything else by the is one of their more "commerical" records...and features Brix on guitar...
OK...keeping in line with the time period defined and sticking with the theme of 'rock', thus leaving out electronica and some of the more pop-oriented material, here's some pretty great indie stuff of recent years. This is by no means intended to be a 'best of' list...just a bunch of cool sounds.

1) Califone: 'Roomsound' + 'Califone (EP)'
2) Yo La Tengo: 'Painful' + 'I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One'
3) The Walkabouts: 'Train Leaves at Eight' + 'Satisfied Mind'
4) Giant Sand: 'Chore of Enchantment'
5) Edith Frost: 'Calling Over Time' + 'Wonder Wonder'
6) David Kilgour: 'Feather in the Engine'
7) Calexico: 'The Black Light'
8) Do Make Say Think: 'Goodbye Enemy Airship, the Landlord is Dead'
9) The Beta Band: 'Three EP's'
10) The Brian Jonestown Massacre: 'Take it From the Man'
11) Brother J.T.: 'Rainy Day Fun'
12) Cul De Sac: 'Crashes to Light, Minutes to it's Fall'
13) Eleventh Dream Day: 'Eighth' + 'Ursa Major'
14) Neutral Milk Hotel: 'On Avery Island' + 'In the Aeroplane Over the Sea'
15) Low: 'Things We Lost in the Fire'
16) Songs Ohia: 'Didn't It Rain' + 'Electric Magnolia Co.'
17) Stereolab: 'Transient Random Noise Bursts with Announcements' - cheating a bit on this one, since it did come out on a major label on these shores
18) Neu!: (reissues) - yeah, I'm cheating on this too (early '70's recordings), but I felt like I gotta mention it
19) Dirty Three: (many recordings)

I could probably add some to this already too long list(and delete a couple), but there's my rambling list of the moment. This is of course all IMHO and YMMV, etc.
The Powerpuff Girls "Heroes and Villians." No, I'm serious! This stuff isn't for kids (not that it's inappropriate; it's "safe."). Selections come from bands like Biz, Dressy Bessy, Komeda, Devo, The Apples in Stereo, and others. It's a really fun collection, and the recordings ain't bad. Definitely worth a listen.

How's the new Califone album? I have roomsound and it's got some great stuff on it. Just picked up the new YLT album; not a rocking song on the thing. But that doesn't mean that it won't still be good. For my money though, Painful and I can hear the heart are their best.

Anybody into GYBE! or modest mouse?