Chopin nocturnes

I am looking for suggestions for CD recordings of Chopin's nocturnes. I prefer impeccable sonics coupled with a spectacular performance with a lot of emotion. While I'm at it, I might as well ask for other Chopin recordings that you think are particularly outstanding.

Thanks in advance,

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Ivan Moravec's performances of the Nocturne's are transcendental. If you have any interest in Chopin and you have not heard Moravec's performances, you owe it to yourself to seek them out. The intelligence of his performances are matched only by the depth of feeling with which he informs each note and each musical phrase.

Moravec's performances of the Nocturne's are available on CD on the Nonesuch label as a reissue of the Connoisseur Society recordings originally released on LP. The Connoisseur Society label made some of the most natural and realist recordings of piano that have ever been placed on tape. Their Moravec recordings were some of their best.

Available from Barnes & Noble and other mail order sources:
Rushton, you have excellent tastes. Ashkenazy is excellent, but the recordings are a bit dry. Rubinstein's is also excellent, but I'm not too fond of the recorded sound. For me Moravec's performances are excellent as is the sound. For Chopin recitals there is a recent Dorian release by Moravec, lots of etc, and on Telarc there is Parker and Frager (on a Bosendorfer). Both very good performances in excellent sound.
Moravec on Chopin is definetly worth checking out. Just got in Mozart PC #20+23 Moravec/Marriner, the performance is stunning. Moravec performs on Mozart just as Rushton describes. Each note is heard distinctly, with poetic feeling, without doubt the best Mozart. I have other Mozart/Moravec on the way.
Heard some Chopin/Moravec, much more prefer Ashkanazy. Goes for the preludes as well.
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