quicksilver amps and preamps any thoughts ??

any input on theses items, they look nice, am curious to the sound and reliability, thanks. Any comparisons to other equipment etc.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
Hey Ben,

I've owned the Mini Mites, and they were shockingly good for the price. The only reason we sold them was because we had a pair of SET amps, and needed something else for rock. They didn't quite have the cojones for rock duty, but they sounded very close to SET. I also liked the fact that we could simply switch between KT88, 6550, or EL34 tubes and they were self-biasing. Their other amps are manually biased, but the process is pretty simple.

We now have their Triodes--a 50W 6C33C tube pair of monoblocks--that I find to be quite possibly the best amps I've ever heard. And gorgeous to boot! All of their amplifiers are IMO emotionally involving, and said to be among the most reliable in the industry. A fellow A'gon member I know says that since the mid-1980s, he's never had but one tube go bad with his Quickie stuff. Other than that, not a single problem.

We have our Triodes paired with Klipsch La Scala speakers, whose shortcomings were largely debunked by the capabilities of the Triodes. I've always loved the Klipsch, but was shocked at what they could do when really pushed. The Triodes are not on their web site, but I (or Quicksilver, of course) would be happy to send you a couple of photos if you write me directly.
All the best,
Hi Boa2,

I maybe interested in the Quicksilver triodes too but I am concerned that this amp may have a mechanical transformer hum like the V4s that I have read about?

I used to own the linestage...extremely reliable, sounded best w/ acoustic music, jazz, and light rock. Good tonal balance...not too tubey and definitely not hard/bright sounding.
Hi Kw6,

I'm using the Triodes with 104dB horn speakers, and they are totally silent. That is, until I crank the music. If you're anywhere near N. California, you are welcome to come have a listen.
I've got the 8417 monoblocks and there is some mechanical hum from the transformers. However, this is not translated to the speakers at all. You have to go up to the amps to hear it, but music remains completely unaffected. The amps sound fantastic as well. Since these were early Quicksilver stuff, I'm sure the Triodes being discussed have overcome any of those early kinks.