Tube amp for Quad 989???

I'm looking for advice on getting a tube amp for my Quad 989's. My room size is 16x13x11. I'm looking to spend 1500-2500 used. I could go to 3000 if there was a compelling reason. I've been considering BAT, Quicksilver, and Manley.
Maybe so, Jordi, but we don't care what YOU think of Quad 988s and 989s; WE love 'em.
They are a funny speaker...
Where's the beef???
Great if all you like is chamber music
"Great if all you like is chamber music"
I think, most think that, because most don't use the right amp for them. Some time ago I listened to ESL 63 and it was driven from a FM Acoustics and it was simply unbelievable. Very loud, very holographic and very fast.
I think, OTL amps are the other design which works very well with these.
I ended up getting the Quicksilver V4. It sounds fantastic. Listening enjoyment is a very personal thing. What makes me happy may be completely different than someone else. I've been a hobbiest for almost 30 years. I find the Quads to suit my taste better than anything I have heard. Candidly I don't listen to chamber music. I tend to listen to Jazz, Acoustic Blues, vocals, and the QUADS are perfect for me.
I'm using the Pre in my YBA and it works great. This way I can also have a great Solid State and Tube option.