Older higher end or newer mid-fi...better bargain?

Say you have $1500 to spend on a 2 channel pre amp/power amp combo or integrated amp: Would you opt for an older, for example, NAIM system (e.g. 62/hi-cap/140 c. mid 90s) or a newer, say CREEK 5350se integrated...or what? Where is the most performance for $1500 to be had? I listen to CDs, SACDs, DVD-As, and LPs.
In my opinion a good amp is a good amp regardless of when it was made, same with preamps etc, they may need a service, such as recapping Naim etc, but it is all on how it sounds.
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Thanks for the responses: I have to admit, I was pre-disposed to the older, higher end pieces to be had here on A-Gon. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated in the $1500 range for pre/power. I am very taken so far with the musical unambiguity of the NAIM gear that I've heard. Anything similar out there that I should consider? Thanks.
My pick would be around your asking $$ I would go with a Threshold S/300 amp and a Audio Research sp6 or sp8. These two in good condition together could be pretty close to you budget ....Had them both and worked very,very well.
Depending on your speakers. If reasonably sensitive i would go with Pass Aleph 3 and AES or Cary tube pre. Not very original, i have that combo, but it works for me.