Platform for amp

Which is better granite or maple?I will be putting the platform on top of an oak entertainment center.
How about a picture? It sounds like you did a good job with construction.What is your system like?
You went to a lot of trouble for this "amplifier platform" only to screw up the sound by placing it all on top of a high mass entertainment center. And when you factor in the havoc that is being wreaked on the rest of your components with this behemoth, you can imagine what the end result is. Do yourself a favor and buy a decent equipment stand before you go playing around any more with isolation devices.

I agree with Oz. I had my CD transport and D/A on an entertainment unit, and was amazed when I tried them on my wall-mounted turntable stand; the sound was much cleaner, and with more detail all through the spectrum. Out went the entertainment unit; I bought some Atlantis Symphony 1 stands, replacing the supplied MDF shelf (sounds horrible) with plywood. Unfortunately Atlantis no longer make that stand; instead they make something with an integral MDF shelf.