Not much buzz about BAT lately?

4 or 5 years ago, it seemed as though BAT was all the rage. I do not see nearly as much posted about them lately. Any reason why? Personally, I think their stuff is great, although I have not owned any of their equipment yet.

Just wondering,
typical of hi end audio, new line comes out, gets great press,then the press moves on, I do read the mags,but I never follow what they say,I just take it with a grain of salt, they are in the business of selling magazines,to do that they have to keep coming up with new and different stuff to review,just the nature of the beast. Iam sure some of their reviews are correct,but as always you have to hear for me a good indicator of good equipment is, what dealer sells it ? and for how long and do they stock it they know it and do they like it.

I have been in some " hi end stores" and asked about a certain product and they say yes we carry it, I say great do you have one to hear...then I was told"thats an order item"
To me thats not "carrying" it at all, thats just taking orders...stores like that hurt themselves and the manufacturer....just gives good reason to shop on the gon.

When i asked why they didnt have it, they said,"well we arent the warehouse for the manufacurer" etc...and no stores really stock gear these days etc....I said your competition does....they carry alot of hi end gear, and have alot on display and most in me that says alot about the manufacturer and the dealer....It means they get behind and believe in it, not just wait for some big review and take orders...I know I am getting off the track here...just seems BAT has a good reputation and people like it, but damn if i can find a store that stocks it and displays it, to the level of say Mcintosh dealer. The store i am talking about has just about everything of Mac on display and a fair amount in I said that says something
Probably more because Mc sells as a brand because of reputation among non-audiophiles. They also focus on HT a lot, which is where most dealers are earning the cash.

I find little correlation between quality and "stocking" of product. Most dealers don't like having a lot of inventory anyways.

My BAT dealer has 5 or 6 pieces on display/rotation, and it isn't hard to order product (just placed an order for 75SE and it will be there in less than 14 days, fresh and new)
I have no problem with no stock, but I do have problems with no displays. A dealer doesn't even have to carry the entire line, but should at least have some pieces representative of the line. So with BAT, they should have at least 1 tube and 1 solid state amp, etc. That way you can at least get a feel for what you're ordering.
Hi Keith,

Congratulations! All the best with the new amp. I'm sure you will love it.

I think 5 or 6 pieces on display is good, something in stock would be better, I mean is everybody buying blind ??

The dealer I am talking about didn't have anything on demo and the amp I was interested was only 1500 retail...thats NOT what i call "carrying the line".

As we all know you cant really tell about something until you get it a good dealer should at least be able to loan you something to try, but they got to have it on display to do that.