Not much buzz about BAT lately?

4 or 5 years ago, it seemed as though BAT was all the rage. I do not see nearly as much posted about them lately. Any reason why? Personally, I think their stuff is great, although I have not owned any of their equipment yet.

Just wondering,

Showing 2 responses by themadmilkman

I have no problem with no stock, but I do have problems with no displays. A dealer doesn't even have to carry the entire line, but should at least have some pieces representative of the line. So with BAT, they should have at least 1 tube and 1 solid state amp, etc. That way you can at least get a feel for what you're ordering.
I guess I would rather live somewhere where the dealer doesn't have demos or stock than live somewhere where there are no dealers. Like Memphis, where I'm living now.