Mcintosh vs Parasound

I'm considering going from a YBA Passion integrated amp at 100wpc to either the new mcintosh MC402 or the Parasound JC1. I'd likely get a matching preamp from whichever amp mfg i get. I'm driving Talon Peregrines with all of the upgrades. They are pretty efficient, but I'm trying to get a bigger sound. The YBA sounds clean and great, but doesn't move a lot of air. Opinions please?
I had a pair of JC-1. I sold them. I think that 1000 hours break in is a lot of BS. This is electronics no mechanics...I think a lot of poeple can hear the hars parasound sound and then after 1000 hours they can tell de diference and then they feel that the amp "broke in". Non sense.
I bought a 602 and 252 in a bi amping setting with LS360. That sounds good!, Sweet, transparent, delicate. And punchy.
With a MX135.
Go for MC my friend
Actually, the break-in on JC-1's is more like 1400-1500 hours, and it's not BS.

My amps now have over 1600 hours on them and they are anything but harsh,
anyone who says these amps are harsh has problems elsewhere in their system, and that's not BS either.

What parts are in the JC-1s that could possibly take so much longer than most any other part to break in? I'm just curious about this.
I second Perfectionist on this!
Mine have also got about 1,600 hours on them, and they sound awesome.
To prove my case, I have a friend who owns a pair with only about 400 hours on them. We unhooked mine and put his in my system. Mine sounded MUCH BETTER! He totally agreed, and could not believe they were the same amps.
His sounded thin, in your face, and had virtually no image depth to speak of. Mine sounded much more neutral, faster, more transparent, more detailed, and had deeper, more powerful, and tighter bass response, and a much deeper soundstage.
They will reveal weaknesses in any of your other components, if they are not up to par. Better use quality components with these amps!
I don't know. But I'm sure if Bob Crump reads this, he will provide some insight.