What is the best usb convertor

I have a number of DACs ,Zanden,Accuphase 800,which do not have USB inputs I would like to purchase a USB convertor that I could use with my DACs.Any recommendations.
"07-16-15: Mesch
Yes Zd, if I had the resources i also would like to try the Off-Ramp. But then again, I might also be upgrading my entire system.

I agree with David, if one was to spend ‘Off-Ramp’ type $$$ a newer DAC may be in order.

Not knowing more about Ramy’s budget, intent on use, and his/her system, it is hard to make a recommendation as to what might be ‘best’."

Take a look at the OP's system. It looks like he can easily afford the off ramp.
The Bel Canto REFLink and uLink both work very well.

***Bel Canto dealer disclaimer
Im using Gustard U12. Great for the price. Others to consider:

Melodious Audio MX-U8
Tanly Audio
Yellowtec PUC2
Audiobyte Hydra z
Berkeley Alpha USB
I had a Berkeley Alpha USB for a few years. I read about the tube buffer output stage in the Lampizator USB Transport, which is actually a USB-to-S/PDIF converter, and I wanted to try it. After playing them side by side for a few weeks, I decided to sell the Berkeley. I've been using the Lampizator for 8 months and I am very happy with my decision, but it's not cheap.

The Lampi USB Transport is something to treasure. I've owned one for a couple of years now. Recently I purchased Uptone Audio's REGEN to see what all the fuss was about and see if it could make USB sound as good as the USB Transport. The short answer, no. The USB Transport brings more body and soul to USB but still not up to the USB Transport's standard. Next experiment? REGEN into the USB Transport. The verdict? The addition of the REGEN made the Lampi Combo of The Big 7 and USB Transport sound even more natural and musical.

I love what the Big 7 can do with DSD. I've experimented with jRiver converting PCM to DSD. This combo does sound very good. I hope to soon try HQ Player.

So what do I find myself listening to DSD or PCM?
If the choice was USB DSD vs PCM I'd choose DSD.
But throw the Lampi USB Transport into the mix, I'll take the trio of the Lampi Big 7, Lampi USB TranspOrt, and REGEN anytime.

Lampi DAC owners, if you haven't heard your GG, Big 5, 6, & 7s, and Model 4s without a Lampi USB TranspOrt you haven't got the most out of your DAC yet.