Tube Amp Suggestions

I have had the audio affliction for about 10 years. I am finally ready to venture into the world of tube amps and would appreciate any ideas my fellow audiophiles might have. My current set up is theta basic II with a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs aleph 5 and audio physic virgo II speakers. All wiring is tara labs air 1. Budget is $2,000 to 3,000 new or used.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Spoken like a true 'connoisseur of coloration'. An eloquent justification.

'The power of suggestion works exceedingly well, when listeners cannot trust their own hearing. I recommend to re-calibrate yourself frequently. Listen closely to all sorts of un-amplified sounds in order to recognize and remember natural aural patterns. It becomes an endless and futile pursuit to listen for and try to evaluate differences between speakers, equipment and accessories without a reality based mental reference.' (SL)
You gotta feel sorry for Siegfried Linkwitz about now. I bet he never knew he'd have a groupie.
Your insults (which say more about you than me) notwithstanding, hear is SL's reply as I promised:

'I am not sure that I had seen Cheever's thesis, but glancing at it I see that I have been familiar with his observations. I sometimes say that "the first Watt" is most telling about an amplifier's audible performance. It brings out problems due to crossover distortion with its high harmonics and poor feedback designs. This is where tube equipment shines and has its strength, so that it takes very little knowledge to design a decent low power tube amp. It is the area that has given solid-state amps a bad name and makes the design of good ss-amps exceedingly difficult. But it can be done.'