Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
Yes, Mark, I edited the post because at first I was offended and shocked that you actually thought I would be that low-down so I was a little sarcastic in my response. After re-reading it, I realized that even though I thought my post was SO OUTRAGEOUS that nobody would take it seriously, a slightly more congenial and jocular response was in order.

Arnie? If that's what you think or have decided, I can't change your mind. But in reality, just a friend of Bill W's taking his own inventory and tenth stepping.

BTW, Jonathan and I just talked and we are fine.
I'm glad to hear that all is patched up. Frank, I was getting emails from friends who were wondering how I could take the abuse, but I assured them you were not targeting me. Now, cough up the SME, old chap!
You know FMPND you are a strange dude! I certainly will not be able to trust your objectivity on future equipment reviews. I mean you are a reviewer and you are coming up with stuff on this thread that defies what a profesional in the business should be. Maybe you are taking yourself too seriously! There are mental professionals out there that can help. Like MES, i am a physician and can refer you to someone for help. I do have colleague friends in Michigan as i schooled at UM at Ann Arbor. Let me know!
Apparently, after talking with Frank, this was merely a misunderstood joke, with no harm intended, that went a little over the top. No harm, no foul, AFAIC. Andrew, sorry the thread got hijacked, and I was a part of it. I in fact have heard the DarTzeel, and would be happy to discuss my thoughts with you. Maybe offline :-) I think it best this thread undergo expeditious necropsy and we all get back to our audio lunacy in a more convivial manner. And Crump, you of all people should know that you never REALLY get rid of that kind of bump, you just pay and pay and pay, and hope it goes away.
Oh yes Aponter4, I can certainly see how reading this thread that you can come to the conclusion that I take myself too seriously. You are certainly free to trust whomever and whatever you choose. But as I remember from this previous post here on A-gon (http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1077288045&openusid&zzAponter4&4&5#Aponter4) , you insulted the heck out of me, told me I pissed you off and then everyone else pointed out to you that I was joking then too - after which I was gracious to you and laughed at your post. In that post you also acknowledged that I previously helped you on the phone with your questions on the Kharmas. So, after a previous experience where YOU were too serious and where you realized that I am a terminal jokster, who is really taking this stuff too seriously?

MES, thanks for the post. Andrew and I e-mailed tonight and laughed about this getting out of hand and we agreed that we will leave these matters to private e-mails from now on. To again set the record straight (for other than Aponter4 who would have me committed), Andrew knew ahead of time that I was joking and as far as I am concerned, the only one who could possibly be mad (Jonathan) told me on the phone he knew it was a joke.

So can we please let this joke gone astray die a peaceful death?