Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!

Showing 6 responses by mes

Better question: How are you post editing?!? I need to learn that trick. This is a totally different post from 5 minutes ago. Arnie?
No pre-amp from DarTzeel as of yet. Perhaps you're thinking of the pre-amp in pre-production, based upon said noises emanating from "Cletus" Tinn and aptly named FarTspeil. That's WV Hassidic for "flatus maker". I've not heard it, but heard it's human prototype, and it's a real gas. "Is it mule*%$#?"
Frank - Other than insulting DarTzeel, Tenor, Jacob, and Andrew what was the purpose of your response to this honestly asked question? I'd have thought, knowing you, that this approach was beneath you. I expected more from someone in your position. Mark
Apparently, after talking with Frank, this was merely a misunderstood joke, with no harm intended, that went a little over the top. No harm, no foul, AFAIC. Andrew, sorry the thread got hijacked, and I was a part of it. I in fact have heard the DarTzeel, and would be happy to discuss my thoughts with you. Maybe offline :-) I think it best this thread undergo expeditious necropsy and we all get back to our audio lunacy in a more convivial manner. And Crump, you of all people should know that you never REALLY get rid of that kind of bump, you just pay and pay and pay, and hope it goes away.
Hey, I resemble those remarks.

1.I have no friends.
3.I only own 1/2 of any of my gear, EMM Labs included.
4.Who's Bob Crump?
5.Oh, like that's a challenge!
6.The terrible sounds I've heard you make have nothing to do with kidney stones. Irritable Bowel Syndrome of the KIDNEYS? I think not, and won't even charge you for that consult.
7.It's those in WV who should be offended. BTW JT, how is your cousin/girlfriend?