I need a Pre-Amp What should I get?

I have B&W 804 speakers,subwoofer, Adcom SS amp, Cardas Cables and Rega P3 TT w/ 45MV cartridge. Looking for a tube Pre-Amp with MM capability!! I like jazz- Brubeck, bluegrass- Gerry Garcia and rock- stones,dead,REM. Keep price under $1500 please.
I third the Conrad Johnson PV10B...Make sure it has a phone stage built in for your vinyl collection.
Bat vk-30 there is one that has come up for 1700 w/phono in the classified`s today. David

one just went up for sale today

see the thread Preamp Deal of the Century
Try a tube preamp. You'll like the smoothness and richness. They come from slightly euphonic to very eupononic. You'll have to decide what is best. I wouldn't consider a SS pre with an Adcom amp, but that's just me.
Krell (obviously not tube) mate beautifully with B&W speakers.

There is a Krell KBL listed on ebay for $999. It says that the unit has new capacitors. Item number is: 2581740693

Unfortunately it is the weekend, and Krell is closed and there is only 24 more hours till the end of the auction. If it is true (and you don't need a remote) it is one fabulous deal. If it were me, I would contact the seller, and say you will bid, but only follow thru if Krell says the work was done fairly recently.

If you don't like the sound, you can always sell it and make money.
