Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?

I'm sort of toying with the idea of upgrading my amp (threshold S300 - I know, its old) and the one amp that jumps out is the pass X250 which seems like it can be had for about $3000 to $3500 on the used market. Is there anything else that comes to mind? I can't afford the Tenor hybrids and even the Lamm SS's are about $7 to $9K. The rest of my system is as follows:

Fanfare FT-1
Parasound Ultra 2000 CD
Nakamichi DR1 deck
Stax Lamda phones
Sota Star table w / emt
Pass Aleph ono phono
Hales T8 loudspeakers

Would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Plinius SA-250IV with the latest update.I used this amp with Hales and Thiel which is very demanding of the amp,and drove it gracefully and very musically.
Hey Y'all,

The Plinius, as I stated earlier in this thread, would be a wonderful choice but I would not sell the Sim Audio W5 short. I've heard this amp a few times driving Dynaudio 1.3 MkIIs and SEs and this amp paired up very well and did not struggle at all with these demanding speakers. I also want to mention that the Plinius SA-250MkIV toggles from class A/B to class A, meaning that in day to day use you may keep the amp in class A/B where the amp runs very cool and does not heat up the room like a furnace. On those occasions when you want to do some critical listening you can switch over to class A and enjoy how good this amp can sound, but make sure you have the air conditioner on in the summer time........John

Plinius makes some great amps, and were I building my system from scratch, I'd consider a Plinius pre-amp and amp combo, but since I already have the SimAudio P-5 pre-amp, I'll stick with the likelihood of better synergy with the W-6. Unless of course the guy that's letting me audition the Stellavox wins the bet. In his opinion, once I hear the Stellavox, no other amp will satisfy. I still can't believe the things are only 10lbs each.

My recommendation of the Plinius was for Russellrcncom, the clarification about the heat generated from the Plinius amp was made to address your statement about not wanting a furnace in your living room. If someone has a preference in amps, I've found it futile to try and dissuade them, I will only offer my opinion. Russellrcncom mentioned that the Plinius has made it to his short list and I was just nudging him towards an amp that has been very good for me.......John
Used to sell the Hales line - the T8 needs LOTS of guts behind it - the best I have heard with these speakers was the Classe CAM-350 monoblocks. The big BAT solid state amplifiers would also be a great choice. The Classe amps had a big stage with a black noise floor and were very consistient throughout thier power swings. Depends on how you like your sound - very fast and tight, a little lush - or somewhere in between. The PFR is an extremely fast linestage, which would work very well with the cam-350s. Just my opinion.