
Responses from skropp

Is it alright to bi-amp with 2 different B&K amps?
Just my .02 cents, but I have found that 2 identical amplifiers are the only way to accomplish this successfully. There are very few exceptions. The two most important things in my opinion are rise time and input sensitivity. It is possible to com... 
Speakers for small room?
Gem4 - I'm moving next week into a house where my listening room will be 21x21 - 10ft ceilings. You mentioned you were running totem arros in a larger space for HT - my system in that room will be strictly 2 channel. Were you able to listen to the... 
Speakers for small room?
I have a room just about the size of yours, and I find the totems sound stunning on the short wall about a foot out. I'm using a creek 4330se and love the sound. I used to be in high-end audio sales for years - I've heard just about everything. In... 
Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?
Used to sell the Hales line - the T8 needs LOTS of guts behind it - the best I have heard with these speakers was the Classe CAM-350 monoblocks. The big BAT solid state amplifiers would also be a great choice. The Classe amps had a big stage with ... 
Too much gain on Audio Research LS9
I used to sell audio research and McFavre4, along with having a great member name, is right. The resistors are available from ARC and allow you to pad down the gain. Just give them a call. You can diy it or if you're not comfortable soldering just...