Audible Illusions vs. Audio Research?

I am looking to upgrade my pre-amp from a CJ PV10 to either of these units. Unfortunately I can't listen to either in my system but would be willing to sell what I didn't like (isn't audiogon fun?) The CJ is lacking detail & sounds veiled in my system. My system is as follows:
Mc Cormack DNA-1
Phillips 963
Tyler Reference monitors & matching sub
with DH labs & MIT cables.
I listen to rock music only & don't plan on getting into vinyl any time soon. What do you guy's suggest?

If you don't have any vinyl and you just play cd, may I suggest that you skip the preamp and buy a better cd player and hook it straight to your amplifier. There are many cd players out there that allows one to bypass the preamp section. Benefits are; you save money by eliminating one component (preamp) and one cable, plus you can achieve better sound if you choose the right cd player.

Just a thought...GOOD LUCK!
I have read horror stories about the Audible Illusions service department, which should also be a consideration. It is a shame as for years I have read about the virtues of this pre amp.

You may want to try a Rogue 99 Magnum which has a remote controlled volume and easily compete with the preamps mentioned and they have excellent service as I have experienced.
Audible Illusions L-1 works great for a rock system. Has all the characteristics of the ss pre but adds some warmth and air. And easy to change the sound of the pre with swapping of tubes. Actually i have one i am putting up for sale thats in great condition with 2 pairs of Nos tubes. Give me an email if interested. Good Luck !
I'd also recommend the ARC LS 15 or 16 models. They'll do what you want with little euphonics. No losses anywhere and extremely transparent.
As far as upgrading my CDP, does anyone have any suggestions based on my system & listening habbits?