$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS

You read that right! In the Feb/March edition of TAS, HP declares that the ASL (antique sound lab)Hurricanes at $4500 are the best amps he has EVER heard at any price. In another section of the same issue, the hurricane won tube amp of the year while the Tenor 75 watter was the runner-up.
Zaike: Thank you for your response. Yes, I understood what you were saying vis-a-vis Brucegel; my opinion was general. Thank you for being a good sport. On what you said, the "elite" I am taliking about are not the purchasers, regardless of how much they spend or their socio-economic standing outside the hiend subculture. The elite is an insular group of reviewers and manufacturers who produce, in tacit dynamic, a system of operation that produces covet-ing in the mass consumer that is not commensurate with performance, even as they percieve it. Its a carnival show. Not that components have no merit, but that there exists a marked incongruency that can be 1) percieved from the outside through patterns over time, just like any observation of an experiment would do, and 2) percieved directly from the inside by direct experience. My point is that until you have been in the dragon's belly, you are very suseptible to the propoganda. I remember that I was and was shocked when I got there and saw what it was. I didn't enjoy seeing what it was, but I wouldn't want to not know either. For those on the inside, there exists a strong bond of mutual self-interest to maintain this system that, because of its concentrated size, and because it attracts those minds whose idea of themselves includes "art salon member", tends to produce "politics" that are similarly reflective of that concentration (which itself, is only a reflection of the cycling self-interest in society at large).

I enjoy reading the mags. Its fun, but I know what it is. This does not make me a skeptic or a cynic, although to one who is attached to the Guru's message - who nneds a King to feel safe from the post modern darkness of the assumed unknowable - it will be categorized as so.

Tok, yes, not so subtle, but again it depends on how closely you are watching, your orientation while watching and from where, inside or outside. I was trying to be courteous. I disagree with you, however, that because of the size of the hiend end - which I take you to imply, fragility - we should be willing to ignore these issues. I refer you to the quotes above. The need to be safe - to keep the warm home that I have, the set of ideas that I already have and know - is a lack of resolve to do anything about it. Talkng about it is the first step. That is why control-orientated systems, their apex actors, the so-called "elite", e.g. fascism, always seeks to gain control of the means of communication between non-elites by control of information in exchange for security, or the promise of security (look out you front door right now...). And, be clear, this is not a landed gentry per se, although the top actors do stay longer, but a systemic issue; in the period of nobility you could follow the aristocracy through kinship, now, the aristocracy is more transitory so they are harder to locate directly. You just may need to be more perceptive to see. Then again, making all of us more perceptive to, and less willing to enable, those who would predate upon another over things may be part of the evolutionary point. Didn't a guy named Jesus say something about that...Now there's a quote (!).

So, what do i want to do about it? Stay centered and see, but leave unto Caesar that which is what he covets.
Audioak, the sound of the guitar needs only to be one(1) string plucked to hear the difference.Playing the instrument myself or having someone else play it, the basic intrinsic differences are still painfully obvious.Just as my example in the first sentence also applies.
The truth is that the live experience is soooo far removed from the reproduced experience it is quite pitiful. My post suggesting that a much higher standard be applied to audio equipment reviewing than obviously currently applies. The Tenor's are a good example. Compared to most other amps they are considered to be near or at the SOTA. But when you compare them to the true Abo Sound then,and only then do you have a true idea of their failings.With this in mind IMHO any truly honest reviewer would simply state their strenghts and then leave it at that. Not suggest that they sound like the real thing,or any other immense hyperbole. Just IMHO.
Asa, your remark "...even as they perceive it" makes me wonder: Do you think they even realize the full extent and nature of the effect they have? The phenomenon of grade-inflation in Stereophile's 'Recommended Components' makes me believe they don't really know where they are standing, because until recently they could have, but now they have nowhere to turn (think of the scene in "Animal House" where the marching band is led down a blind alley...).
HP has again given notice that his listening skills are waning. I have heard the ASL amp and the Tenors on two different sytems and the ASL amps do not belong in the same room as the Tenors nor should they be expected to although they are good amps for the money. On the right system the Tenors are magic and unfortunately in this hobby you very rarely will get SOTA unless you pay for it although much of what is out their is grossly overpriced. What he has done is probably help sell a lot of ASL amps. Keep in mind this is the same HP that told us that a certain Phillips SACD player was more musical that a $20,000 DCS setup. A lot of people got to hear that unit when it was blown out and sold at big discounts by Tweeter for $399. Read the user comments on the sound and then try and figure where he was coming from. Their are other inconsistencies out there but my point has been made.