McIntosh MA 6500

Anyone know about this integrated? Better yet, anyone know where I can find some reviews on this piece? Thanks.
I would give your 6900 a chance to burn in over 100 hrs first, while the tonality does not change much after the first 40 or 50 hrs, they do tend to "open up" after 100hrs of burn-in in terms of soundstage and resolution. Also try different taps. I find on my 501 monoblocks the 8ohm tap is the more "musical" tap overall even though my speakers are rated at 4 ohms nominal.
Also try different taps.
I thought the same thing also flyski, but he has a 6500 not a 6900 and the 6500 doesn't have that option.
Gotcha, my bad, I went back to the top of the post which listed a 6500. In light of this oversight, I agree that "noemail" may want to experiment with the different taps.
Hello Nomail...
I had the Rotel 1072 CD player here for a couple months. The Rotel is a good all-rounder but I would call it very polite and unexciting...if you have a chance to try another CD player I would highly recommend it.