Cool Amp Stands - what to get at a good price?

I'm hoping to move my components to the floor level as my stand design audio rack looks a bit utilitarian and I have the floor space. I'd really like to get some great looking (and sounding) stands for all my equipment - monoblock amps, preamp, CD player etc. I've looked at stuff like Zoethecus and Silent Running which look awesome, but just so expensive. Does anyone know a source for great looking stands at reasonable prices? With the prices I see on these stands, I'm tempted to make my own (I'm no woodworker though). My gear is Blue Circle BC2 Monos, Sonic Frontiers Line 3, YBA CD1a, Pioneer DV09. Thanks.
Outlier: What is the floor surface like (wood, carpet, tile) and is it level? I am a firm believer that CD players need to have their transports on an even keel (just like TT's) and this would mean that the CD player stand should be adjustable. If the floor is carpeted then having the gear too low may subject it to static electricity (not good for CD players and maybe so for other gear). Just a few things to think about in regard to the design. I do not know how expensive the lines are that you have already researched but if I were winging it I would consider using Neuance shelving (resting on some sort of cones/spikes) or as a budget alternative using the Ikea Lack table tops in the same manner. I have ended up with Neuance myself (after trying many less expensive alternatives), but @ $15-$18 per stand the Lack tables would be an inexpensive way to try the light/rigid approach. The legs on the tables would need to be cut down (or removed) for them to sound better, per Ken @ Neuance, the originator of the Lack DIY rack, (which seems to be the look that you are after anyway). I think that the table may also come in a triangle (corner) version which might be interesting for the smaller gear (mix/match the two different shapes). Cones/spikes would add to the expense (adjustable ones for the CD player shelf), but should not cost too much. I also suppose that the same cones/spikes might be able to be reused with Neuance (or other shelving) if you decided the upgrade the platforms @ some point. To make the Lack stands you would require a drill and a hand saw (tape the legs to avoid chipping the finish when cutting them down) and the cone/spike hardware. The tables come in various colors/finishes (we have a red one under a TV:-). You could also spike/cone Maple platforms (cut to size), but I prefer the sound of the light weight material myself. I would search a hardware/plumbing store for spikes before purchasing audiophile ones, but am probably a bit more budget conscious than most (some of the audiophile ones are not very expensive). For more info on this search "Lack and rack" and you will find an old tread on the subject.
Guys, thanks so much for the suggestions - they're all very good. Overall, the Ikea Lack suggesion is just so affordable I've got to try it - sounds like fun too. Thanks again!
Salamander synergy series in color of your choice with optional silver colored feet (beautiful). Multiple accessories (doors, panels, cable managers,etc. available as well.