Tubes for Herron's Preamp

I recently bought the Herron Audio's Line Preamp and finds the sound lovely. With a view to improving the performance, I am thinking of using 6922 of other brands to replace the Sovtek. Does anybody have any idea or experience as to which 6922 can do the job? Thanks.

I guess the obvious choices certainly are Mullard/Amperex/Telefunken. I have the Mullards in my Rogue 66 preamp and like their bassy warmth, if that is what you are into. Just a suggestion.
I would call Keith Herron about what he thinks of changing tubes .I also own the Herron pre-amp and he was pretty firm about leaving the tubes in the pre- amp alone. He designed the pre- amp with them and he feels they are the ones to stick with . Changing the power cord will give you better results in my opinion.
I agree with Tweety, Keith spoke to our audio society about the preamp a few years ago and said the same thing about the tubes. Felt the Sovteks were very strong tubes and worked best in his circuit.