Integrated for Dad

I'm looking to get an Integrated amp for my Father for under $1,000. I'm looking at Creek, Rega, etc. but haven't heard any but the Rega. Any recommendations would be helpful. Older used stuff would be great. The less he spends the better for him. We're definitely looking for best bang for the buck. He listens to mostly vocals, and Jazz, and has no desire for big bass. It would be teamed up with a modified Rotel 970 CD player and new Polk R25i speakers with Kimber 8TC. A phono stage would be best, but we can go external if need be.
I have an Audio Refinement Complete, but would only recommend using it with a very good front end and not with Kimber speaker cables. Also, it does not have a phono section. Suggest you audition an NAD integrated amp.
I recently purchased a Redgum RGi120s integrated, this was a little more than $1000, but the RGi60 might be found for that price. This is the best sounding amp that I have heard for anywhere near this price range, Very musical, tight , quick, powerful bass, detailed highs, and smooth crystal clear midrange, never sounding bright or fatiguing. The Creek or Rega would probably be good choices also, as I looked into them also before buying the Redgum. You could also check into Roksan.
Dekay, you are the only other person that I have ever heard of, that has listened to the Magnum IA170! I originally auditioned my Reynaud Twins with the Magnum and was really impressed. It had a deep, rich, tonality that was totally engaging. Really rocked my socks, music wise.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone else that had any experience with them and didn't want to take the risk since money was tight at the time(still is). So, I wne t with the AR Complete because there were so many satisifed owners who use it with the Twins.

The IA200 is supposed to be even better.
I like overkill. For years I drove a pair of TC-50s with an Audio Research D-250-mk II and an SP-11 preamp. Talk about overkill! I think they were the world's best sounding 50s though.