How's this for synergy? of events

My wife is in Italy for ten days.

I got a new/used pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios on Sunday.

It's holiday season so Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale is available in the stores.

Let the music loose!

Plus, it has been minus tide for the last four days so the dog walkin' has been awesome.
Beautiful area. Love Monterey and the Adagios. I'm up in Washington State. Figured you weren't on the east coast!
So I'm in Fresno. I'll bring even more beer- (Anchor Steam Old Foghorn barley wine!...we'll only need 2 of those bad boys), cigars, and some killer Jazz on Vinyl! You have pizza waiting. Be there in 3 hours. Ha Ha Ha! We can stay up for 2 days straight and do the whole marathon music listening thing! I'll be gone by early Monday morning just in time for you to get a shower and go to work.