Pwr Cord Upgrade for PS Audio Pwr Plant Premiere?

I would like to pose a question regarding the need for any type of power cord upgrade for a PS Audio Power Plant Premiere (PPP) power regenerator. If I understand its workings properly, the PPP will take “dirty” line current and, through its electronics, regenerate it into a consistent source of new “clean” AC power. It is not coloring or conditioning the existing power feed in the classical sense. It this is true, what benefit would an upgraded power cord provide? If “dirty” AC is being regenerated into “clean” AC, does it matter, within reason, how “dirty” the power is to begin with? So, back to my question….would an upgrade of the power cord for a PPP provide any benefit at all and, if so, why?
I appreciate and value your comments. Well maybe not so much value for Jdoris :) I'm running a dedicated 20 amp circuit with hospital grade outlets. Elizabeth, it would seem my power feed is a bit cleaner than yours, incoming is 2.2%, outgoing 0.4% with the stock cord. As you say, opinions may vary, and as usual, they do. Since my out is already what would seem to be low, I may end up as did Foster_9 with no discernible difference. But, I think I'll make the small investment in the Pangea to see if I, like you and Stanwal, perceive an improvement. If there is none, I can always use it between the two power regenerators. ;) Thanks for the input. Love this site.

You know how silly Jdoris' reply sounds? But as silly and expensive it would be, think about this, it is logical and it would help.

In fact, that's exactly what Nordost is now saying about their QX4 modules. They're saying that the more you add, the better it will sound.

While it probably does do what they claim, think about how much it would cost to keep adding additional QX4 modules at $2,500.00 each list price.

A power cord will help of course too, and it's a cheaper alternative.

I recommend calling John Pharo at The Cable Company and talking to him about one. Then maybe try a Silent Source power cord and some others from their library and see for yourself.

Just want to say that the MAIN purpose of using a after market power cord feeding the PPP is NOT to lower the output %THD further, but to ease the effort of the PPP so it can concentrate on what it is suppose to do.

Also, a power cord is just like interconnects and has its own sound characters depending on the core material, shielding, wiring method etc. For the PPP, a good match will be the PSA's STATEMENT SC or the AC-10, AC-12. Forget about their earlier and lower models.

Lastly, the price/performance ration of all power cords are also different and you have to compare apple to apple.
I tried the PSA's Statement, Plus and the one below Plus on my PPP. I heard differences in all cords and settled on the Statement. The %THD from the wall is 1.5-1.9 in my house and the PPP outputs %THD 0.4.

Relax, have a Sam Adam's Imperial White and listen to some Lou Reed...