P.S. Audio Quintet? Worthwhile?

I'm hearing that this device would be beneficial for my system. I currently use a Tributary power bar with surge protection. Anyone have thoughts on what difference I could expect with a Quintet? I don't know much about power conditioning. Anything written on it seems to be from 2007 when it was released. This would be for the main system with Aerial speakers, Classe int. amp, Squeezebox Classic 3 and Wyred for Sound Dac 2. Appreciate your ideas.
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You have grasp my position perfectly; nothing is exactly what I want from every component in my system. Just the music and nothing else; the best one is the one that adds or subtracts the least. As I have upgraded my system I find it harder and harder to describe its sonic signature; which is exactly what I am aiming at.
I have used the Quintet and thought it made a noticable improvement in the sound of my system. If you can find one, buy a used Quintessence....these usually run $450 to $500 on the used market and it is noticably better than the Quintet. Also, getting a Soloist in-wall is a good start. They usually run $140 or so used and work well too.

I currently run a combination of the Soloist Premier and the Power Plant Premier with very good results.

Happy Listening
Thanks for the responses. Elizabeth - interesting idea to replace power cords instead, I certainly don't want a lateral move. What differences might I expect to hear from power cord replacements and what order should cords be replaced if not doing them all at once?
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